Sunday, April 29, 2012

Chapter 21

Day 104

First thing this morning, I decided to improve my riding skills. But first I ate a cereal breakfast (I do eat other things besides cake!) and then tackled the breakfast dishes my children left behind. Again. 

I went to the JRA International Equestrian Center for riding lessons. They were very informative and patient. It was worth every simoleon I spent. They recommended talking to a neighbor I have that is an expert horseman and get advice from him. On the way home I decided to drop by and pay him (Ethan Nighthawk) a visit. Unfortunately his truck was speeding away as I approached his house. I decided to drive through Appaloosa Plains and explore the town when I spotted his truck at the junkyard. I promptly stopped and introduced myself. I quickly decided it wasn't just horse sense I wanted from Mr. Nighthawk. I was interested in "stud services" as well *wink, wink, nudge, nudge* We chatted for hours and I learned that Ethan is single and in the military. We had dinner together at the Koffi Cafe. At the cafe I learned the recipe for Stir-Fry and had a good time getting to know Ethan.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch... Kyle fished.

Alice took care of Keely and started off by telling her to watch out for the White Walkers...

Shelby and Shayla played outdoors and indoors.

Jenna fished and flirted with the boy she invited over (Cornell Riffin).

And I ended the day by coming home alone and repairing the shower.

Day 105

In the wee hours of the morning a deer stopped by to nibble on my garden. but was prevented by my garden fencing. She drank from our pond before leaving at first light.

There wasn't any school today. The kids had cereal for breakfast while I had nibbled on grapes before taking off for Ethan's little cabin.

At his cabin, Ethan and I got very well acquainted. By mid-afternoon I had successfully seduced Mr. Nighthawk!

Afterward, I decided to drop by the "beach" on the banks of the river (Adventure Landing). I spent some time meeting and getting to know some of the Appaloosa Plains residents. Moving to a new town means I need to start over with building relationships and friends in order to improve my Charisma Level.

Meanwhile back at the ranch, my children had a very relaxing Saturday. They spent the day hanging around the house in their pajamas (or in Alice's case, her bathing suit) and Kyle even cooked dinner.

With the kids taking care of themselves, I went out to eat at Kitty's Kountry Kitchen. I had a lovely meal there and I am fairly certain their food is not why I felt sick when I arrived home.

Day 106

With so many birthdays to come for the Storey family I decided to purchase a birthday party table. 

We started our Sunday celebrating the triplet's birthdays. Jenna aged to young adult with the new trait: Disciplined. Her Lifetime Wish is: The Perfect Garden. Kyle aged up with the trait: Adventurous and his Lifetime wish is: Great Explorer. Alice aged up with the trait: Excitable and her Lifetime Wish is to be a Gold Digger.

We spent the rest of the day relaxing, playing and working on our chores.

Day 107

Graduation day for the triplets! Kyle graduated with honor and was voted "Most likely to hack the military facility". Alice graduated with honor and was voted "Most likely to offend others". Jenna graduated with honor and was voted "Most likely to take over the world".

There on the steps of city hall I hugged them good-bye and presented them with graduation gifts. They were all grateful except Alice. She thought I should have spent more money on her gift - ungrateful brat!

Afterward they all found jobs. Kyle joined the culinary career at the diner. Alice got a part-time job at the bookstore. Jenna joined the political career. Then the three of them moved out of my house and down the street  into the Gray Apartments.

Day 108

This morning with the twins at school and the house empty, I started nesting before it was even breakfast (cake!) time!

There in the midst of my garden I went into labor! I quickly scurried up to my bedroom to labor and give birth.

You would think having done this so many times before that it would get easier, but it doesn't. I gave birth to a baby boy that I named Dakota. Dakota was born with the traits: Athletic and Slob.

Is it wrong to feel relieved to having a single birth this time around? The fact is, if I can't spend more time with Keely, I will have to sell her. She is a fine racing animal wasting away untrained in a pasture. After tending to Kyle I tucked him into his swing and then saddled up Keely to take her for our first ride. It went well and my Riding Level is now up to a 3.

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