Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Chapter 69

Day 294 con't.

When I walked through the door, I did not expect a house full of people yelling, "Surprise!" at me.

Seamus was there! I eagerly embraced my son. It had been far too long since I had seen him.

Seamus introduced me to his wife, Gwen.

And to his older daughter, Charlotte Brooks, who was affectionately called Charli.

And to his younger daughter, Rashida. She was absolutely precious.

Shannon introduced me to her husband Pluuzar and son Menkar.

I also met Dove Spirit, Pluuzar's adoptive father.

After I finished chatting with Dove Spirit, Morwenna called me over to the dining table.

This wasn't just a "Welcome to Sanctuary" party or a family reunion. This was a surprise birthday party. For me!

I had forgotten it was my birthday, but my children had not.

I was so happy at that very moment, I didn't even make a traditional birthday wish. I couldn't think of anything I lacked.

What joy to be celebrating a birthday when just days ago I thought I wouldn't live long enough to celebrate another.

I'll confess that is when it hit me. This wasn't just a birthday. I was no longer a young adult, by any means. Gravity would soon be taking it's toll. Wrinkles would be etching my face. The bloom was off the rose. I was a grandmother for goodness' sake.

Seamus' voice pulled me from my disheartening thoughts. I was being presented with my gift.

I rose from my chair with my heart pounding, not knowing why...

Then I was assaulted with flashes of a memory from long ago...

Everyone was oblivious to my distress, Seamus placed the baby julex down while explaining how this species came to be on this planet. I barely heard a word he said, I was even starting to tremble at that point.

I numbly walked over to pick my new pet up.

I exclaimed my delight despite the myriad of emotions conflicting within me.

I escaped to the garden, excusing myself saying I thought she needed a chance to relieve herself. In truth I needed a moment away from everyone.

Within a minute I realized someone had followed me outside.

"I do not mean to disturb you, but I have something to say."

"We all have one thing in common, mother-in-law. We are survivors of things most unpleasant. We have all lost our homes, family members, friends and so forth. Some of us have experienced or seen things we try to forget because the memories cause great pain. The wellness experts call it Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. In Sanctuary, all of the toddlers and babies are evaluated for stress. The schools counsel each student."

"The adults are advised but not forced to seek counsel as well. We try to forget, but the memories come when we least expect it. And strangely enough it can be a happy memory that triggers our fears. A woman here had been forced to cook for the Duthalorians during an invasion. She wanted me to understand that she did not blame me for the terror inflicted by my people. She made me a native dish from my home planet. It was true kindness. But with the first bite I began to shake and feel ill. For it triggered a memory of my mother cooking me that very dish."

"That memory broke me. I became agoraphobic and refused to leave my house for almost six months. I was terrified of being out in the open and around others. I slept in my closet. It took a great deal of work for me to recover. I learned that I cannot shut myself down and pretend I have no past. There is healing in remembering. I saw the look on your face when you saw the julex."

"I had a julex before."

"I thought they were wild animals, not pets on your home planet."

"Yes, that is true... I think... but I was given one before... at a party. I can't remember who gave it to me."

"Perhaps it you work at it, you will remember. Please talk to the wellness therapist when she comes to screen the twins for stress. I urge you to do so. It will help bring greater peace and understanding."

"I will think about it."

Then Shannon walked out of the back door, "Mom, I hate to party and run, but it's time to get Menkar to bed. He's starting to fuss. I will see you soon. You'll get sick of us before you know it.

"Oh, Shannon, I don't think that's possible."

Shannon laughed, "You say that now!"

I went back inside to discover the twins were starting to fuss as well. Morwenna was scooping up Darius to care for him.

Seamus spoke up, drawing my attention. "Mom, we need to get the kids home to bed. Tomorrow is a school day. But don't worry about us leaving the mess to you. Kenzo is on cleanup duty and Morwenna is going to help the little ones to bed. It's your birthday. Take it easy, alright?"

Charli gave me a sweet hug, "Good night, Nana."

Before he left, Seamus told me a pen was set up in the garage for the julex. After they left I went there to get her settled.

"I can't keep calling you 'the julex'. You need a name, little one." Then I remembered the name of my childhood julex. "Meeka! That was it. I think I will also call you Meeka. Perhaps it will help me remember the happy things instead of the sad ones."

I returned to the house to find Kenzo still cleaning up.

He insisted that he didn't need any help, so I went to check on the children. They were all exhausted from their long day and sleeping soundly.

After checking on each of them, I went back into the kitchen to discover it was clean and dark. At first I assumed that Kenzo had left, but then I spotted him outside.

"What are you looking at?"

"The stars in the sky. I never thought I'd see stars much less live where I could see so many."

"Mind if I join you? I wonder if I'll recognize any constellations."

"Okay, Kenzo, I'll admit these stars are not the same as Earth's or Xicanopia's, but some of the constellations look familiar anyway. Like up there. It looks almost like the big dipper, but not quite."

Kenxo lay back on the ground and I followed suit as we stared at the heavens. Kenzo spoke quietly, "I never intended to leave Earth. I love my planet and my people. I wanted to save them. To find a way for us to win the war and to be at peace again. But things do not always go as planned."

He paused for a few moments before continuing, " I had resolved to never father children, because the need to protect them would pull me away from what I considered my duties. But now I am rethinking that." 

With those words he pulled me a bit closer. My heart began to thud heavily, not for the first time that evening, but for far different reasons. I tried to distract myself by babbling as I pointed to another set of stars, "That looks like the constellation Cygnus, the Swan. Both Earthlings and Xicanopians liked to consult the stars for guidance."

Kenzo's voice grew even softer, "Charlotte, may I be bold enough to share that I'd like you to mother a child for me?"

"Kenzo, I'm sure this planet is filled with younger and more fertile women than I. I'm not exactly a spring chicken anymore."

"I don't even know what a spring chicken is, but I want you: as a friend, as a lover and the mother of my child. I won't presume to have a hold on you or demand more than you can give," he whispered.

I whispered back, "If you're certain."

He must have been certain because he kissed me.

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