Author's Note: I have a method I use while playing my challenge. I pause often and take a LOT (think 6+ for every one that I post) of screenshots. I take notes. Otherwise I would have trouble remembering what happened LOL. And I back up frequently. But I got careless and stopped backing up my screenshots. One night I was trying to upload a house and was having issues with the exchange. I was tired, frustrated and should have walked away from the computer. Instead I made a HUGE mistake and deleted all of my screenshots. Twelve sim days of my challenge was gone. I panicked and almost burst into tears. Fortunately my computer had created a restore point the previous day. It turns out I only lost 4 1/2 sim days instead of twelve. I found a free recovery program and found some of the still missing screenshots, but they were corrupted. I was ready to give up and simply plan on posting this chapter without screenshots, but ernesdo (another 100BC simmer) suggested I replay those days. It turns out I had a backup save at the perfect time. So I replayed those missing 4 1/2 days and was very pleasantly surprised at how much I could recreate by using my notes. There won't be the usual family style photos of the kids and animals. I don't take a lot of notes for them. I may have missed the mark on a few outfits created. And there were two screenshots that were fabulous and I was unable to recreate because Matthew is not a playable sim for me. One was after he rode the mechanical bull. Afterwards he performed a big ta-da pose standing on the back of the bull before somersaulting off. And another is when he walked up and spontaneously gifted Charlotte roses. Many other moments were easy as apparently story progression recreated baby gender/hair color/eye color and even the same graduation awards. So if this chapter seems a little off to you , that is why. Chapter 29 will be business as usual with my original game save. And yes, I have already backed up those screenshots =D
Day 131
As dawn approached I heard a crash; I think Matthew broke something.
Did I do that? |
After a shower Matthew decided to go make friends with Miska. At first she wanted nothing to do with him. But he grabbed a squeaky toy and won her over.
I was up and dressed by then so I decided to go and inform Mr. Paseiko of his impending fatherhood. I wasn't sure how he would react, but he was really pleased!
We both became caught up in the moment of celebrating. I told Cody to take his siblings ice fishing. They needed the fresh air. I needed some alone time with Matthew. And we all needed the money.
Cody agreed. But then he took his sweet time eating his cake and then he proceeded to wash every. single. dish. in the house before he left with his brothers. I thought they'd never get out the door!
After a very enthusiastic celebration of impending parenthood, I decided to go to the consignment store. We are short on funds and I wanted to see about selling more produce. When it was time to go, Matthew strutted out of my bedroom, strutted to the jeep and strutted into the consignment shop.
My possessed toys keep moving around. |
My boys ice fishing. |
For some odd reason, I couldn't consign anything at Frosty's Finest. I sold the produce to the Farmer's Market instead. I earned enough money to at least put a window and hamper in Colton and Cody's new bedroom. I was really hungry by then (pregnant lady is starvin', get outta the way), so we went to the coffee house for a late lunch.
The boys were having a blast ice fishing and catching fish left and right. Matthew and I went over to the karaoke bar to hang out for a while.
Matthew was ready to get his groove on! |
This is when I think it finally sunk in that he is going to be a daddy. |
Yahoo! |
Romantic photos in the photo booth. |
Woohoo in the photo booth. |
The camera was on!?! |
Back in the saddle again. "You better not get hurt, Mister!" |
A spontaneous massage for my aching back. |
How you doin'? |
I was worn out by the time I got home. I invited him to stay the night. Methinks I might be getting a little attached here.
Day 133
Miska woke me up because she was stinky and wanted a bath. By that time Matthew was already up and playing in the sprinklers in the greenhouse again. Note to self: Lock up the greenhouse after he gets out of there.
Then Matthew changed into his work clothes and left on his bike.
Vice Squad = strange work clothing |
Then I got on with my day.
Cooking waffles. |
Mucking out the barn. |
Gardening |
Cody playing the piano after school. |
Colton cleaning the house for me. |
Day 133
The labor pains hit me around 3AM.
Within hours I had given birth. It was a girl! I named her Cambria. Cambria was born with the traits: Absent-Minded and Genius.
I was exhausted from my lack of sleep, so after a quick breakfast I went back to bed. After I was up for the day, I attended to my chores and animals.
Keely |
Dixie Dust |
Trying to teach Miska how to shake. |
I was excited to tell Matthew he was a daddy now. I called him to come over. I worked on my golf swing until he arrived.
When Matthew arrived, he presented his baby momma with a bouquet of roses. Be still my heart <3 I showed him my profound appreciation ;-) This is getting to be a baaaaad habit.
But Matthew isn't complaining. |
I invited him to spend the night again. And I whipped up some hamburgers for a family-style meal. My cooking Skill is now an 8; I need to get a few more recipes for when we are out of cake.
Colton found a teddy bear in the dryer. |
Day 134
I woke up before anyone else in the house, so I played the piano until everyone started stirring.
And then it was time for Cambria's birthday celebration!
Cambria aged up with her father's hair and eye color. She is a beauty. And I am so happy to have a little girl in the house again!
I started potty training Cambria immediately. Matthew had the day off from work, so he hung around to play golf.
In his boxers as usual. This man seems to have an aversion to clothing. |
I think I am getting too accustomed to having a man around the house. I even like seeing his bike parked next to my jeep in the garage.
Where did it go to? Oh wait, I missed... |
I hope no one saw that... |
The problem with two Flirty people getting together is... it always leads from one thing to another...
Are those chimes I hear? |
Back to toddler training.
And then birthday celebrations for Colton and Cody. Colton aged up to a young adult with the new trait: Handy. His Lifetime Wish is to be a Star News Anchor.
Cody aged up with the trait: Eco-Friendly. And his Lifetime Wish is to be a Rock Star.
I started feeling queasy after I ate a slice of cake. Ruh Roh!
gratuitous headshot of Matthew Paseiko |
I invited Matthew to spend the night again. You're not really surprised by this are you? While I was waiting for a shower to free up I tried my hand at mixing drinks. What a pretty big failure and mess. Then I practiced my piano a bit with an audience this time. Then bedtime with my man.
I was awakened in the middle of the night and had to race for the bathroom. I don't think it was the cake.
Someone is dreaming of me ;-) |
Day 135
Today is graduation day for Colton and Cody! We all woke in a great mood.
Why is that dog in our way? |
Mr. Romeo presented me with more flowers and then... afterwards he headed for work.
And the rest of us headed for graduation at City Hall.
Colton graduated with highest honor and was voted "Most Popular" by his peers.
Cody graduated with honor and was voted "Most Likely to be Mediocre."
Then it was time for the traditional graduation gift and hug from mom. We did this right in front of City Hall. I didn't see the point of dragging them home, when they would be moving into town (with Dakota) right afterwards. Colton will be starting his journalism career. And Cody has signed up for a career in music.
I walked with Cambria to Frosty's Finest. I think cancelling my current consignment will revolve the issues with my account.
Next I walked over to the park and found Dakota playing gnubb. I am fairly sure he had been drinking; he was throwing the stick in the wrong direction. I was surprised to discover Matthew jamming on the drums.
Matthew, Cambria and I went out for dinner at the diner. And then I went home alone with our daughter.
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