Sunday, February 7, 2016

Chapter 68

Day 294 - First Day of Summer

It felt as if no time at all had passed. Once in the chamber, it was as if my body started floating and I felt so happy. Then I was completely unaware. Waking up felt so different. My entire body felt heavy, weighted down.

After I stumbled out of the chamber, my lungs seemed starved for air. And hungrily I inhaled as deeply as I could.

An overwhelming wave of nausea swept over me and then I felt perfectly fine.

Once we had all been removed from statis, Xokop gave us a few minutes before announcing, "Welcome to Sanctuary, new friends. I need to stay on board to attend to my post flight duties. If you will all disembark, you will be guided through the immigration process. I'm sure I will see you around town soon."

I'll confess that part of me feared that she was abandoning us somewhere desolate, but we had to move forward to face what lay ahead. 

We 'beamed' down into a small, barely lit room. The only exit  was  to walk down a staircase. Around the corner from the bottom of the stairs were glass doors. Looking through three sets of glass doors was an interesting looking woman, rather Earth-like in fact. She spoke through an intercom to us, "Please proceed a few at a time into the decontamination room. Assist the little ones, please. After you are decontaminated please enter the dressing room."

Kenzo went in first with the boys, while the girls and I waited with the twins for our turns.

Then we walked into the next room. It was quite small. The woman spoke again over an intercom, "There are season appropriate clothes of all sizes available. You all should find something to fit. There are changing rooms available. Please dump your spacesuits in the small door in the wall marked 'incinerator' after you have changed."

After we all changed clothing, we finally entered the room with the woman.

"Welcome to Sanctuary. I am Dr. Hill."

"It is my job to protect you and the others already residing on this planet from viral and bacterial illnesses that could be potentially harmful or deadly to you or other inhabitants of this planet."

Dr. Hill continued to explain, "This is a three step process. Most of it will not be uncomfortable or painful. I will try to process you all quickly so you can sit down to a nice brunch."

I couldn't help but wonder which part would be uncomfortable.

Kenzo volunteered to be the first one scanned. It was quick and easy. Except for the twins trying to wriggle out of the seat, the entire family sailed through step one.

Since Kenzo went first for the scan, I volunteered to be first for the immunization. This was the uncomfortable part.

Step three was going through another decontamination process.

Through the next set of doors was the Welcome Wagon, in the form of Lolly Moofles.

"Hello, new friends! Welcome to Sanctuary! I am Lolly Moofles. I'm the Welcome Wagon, real estate lady, and I frequently work at the seasonal festivals too."

 Next up, is a brunch with Sanctuary's mayor, Xias Xip. He will give you all the info you need to understand how our blended society works. It's not too tricky, but there's a bit of special info for all of you."

Lolly led us to the far side of the room where two warm bottles were awaiting the twins.

All of the kids grabbed a plate of waffles. By the way they inhaled them, I guess they were pretty darned good! And then there was coffee! That blissful, amazing elixir of life. How I had missed it!

During our brunch I caught a glimpse of  Morwenna and realized she looked happy. When was the last time she had a smile on her face?

As we finished up our brunch, the kids were encouraged to go watch TV while the adults talked. Morwenna elected to join the kids and offered to keep an eye on the twins as well. 

With the children occupied, the conversation turned serious. Mayor Xip briefly explained the founding of Sanctuary, it's history, growth, laws and political issues. Continuing he elaborated, "I'm afraid things were thrown into great chaos when a Time Lord showed up. He made a right mess of things. But thankfully another Time Lord showed up and set everything right. The Time Lord of Chaos left and the Time Lord of Order retired but is greatly revered here.

Every season we have a Meeting of Unity with the eldest of each race or planet represented. It is an occasion for each culture to have their voice heard. Like many multicultural societies we struggle to integrate without losing touch with our roots. I'm sure you can understand that this is not at all easy."

He continued, "Now it is most imperative that we treat each and everyone on this planet kindly and equally. And that includes the Duthalorian that lives among us."

I gasped in horror before managing, "Duthalorians live here too?"

Mayor Xip raised his hand to stop me from continuing, "Princess, there are things we now know about the Duthalorian society. At the age of five years of age, the male children are ripped from their families and turned into child soldiers. They are to become little killing machines, expected to go on military missions until permitted to retire at the age of twenty-five, should they live that long. The little ones are expected to make their first kill in battle by the age of ten. Pluuzar Wozney was taken along at that tender age to the planet inhabited by the Citlali clans.

Pluuzar was ordered to kill a man named Dove Spirit Zuni. He refused and tried to protect the man, helping him to escape. Pluuzar as you can imagine was declared a traitor to be killed by his own comrades. Dove Spirit helped keep him hidden and adopted him as his son. Pluuzar was raised to kind and gentle. He and his adopted father have been here for years now. He is a good man, Princess. And he is your son-in-law."

I think I stopped breathing for a moment, "My what?"

"Pluuzar Wozney married your Shannon. They met at the Seasonal Unity meeting. Shannon represented the Xicanopians at the council until she became pregnant, then Seamus took over her position as she had a difficult pregnancy. Don't fret, Princess, she is alive and well. She was very ill for the latter part of her pregnancy, but she endured. In fact, she is the only person known to survive a pregnancy by a Duthalorian. Our scientists are trying to understand why she managed what all the other races have not. I'm afraid all our scientists will be most eager to test your genetics too, Princess"

Kenzo had been silent for much of this trip, but finally found his voice, "I am a scientist by training. I'd like to continue working in this capacity, if I may."

"Yes, of course."

Then a buzzer sounded interrupting us and Lolly hopped up to scurry around the corner as Kenzo and I tried to digest everything we had just been told. I was more than dismayed to hear I had a Duthalorian son-in-law. That didn't bode well for me accepting all cultures.

I was pulled from my thoughts when a familiar voice spoke, "Mom?"

Shannon! It was my Shannon! I flew out of my chair and raced to her.

All of my doubts and fears about Sanctuary and a unwanted son-in-law fled my mind as I expressed my delight of seeing my daughter again.

"Mom, we will have plenty of time to catch up," Shannon laughed. "Let's all get into Lolly's car and go see your new house."

"My house?"

"Yes, I've had my eye on it forever for you. It's mid-century Earth-style, like the one you shared with Dad before you moved to Dragon Valley."

I had to squash the feelings that bubbled up at the mention of Colby and Dragon Valley. I didn't want to remember. So I just enthused about the fact that she had selected this house for me and had helped decorate it with me in mind.

Lolly jumped in, "Come on now. I'll drop you off at your new house, before I take Kenzo to his. Let's head out!" With that we went through the doors to the outside.

Once outside everyone came to a screeching halt with the kids protesting.

"It's too light! Why is it so light? It hurts my eyes."

"It smells funny!"

"The sky looks weird! What's wrong with it?"

I was speechless as Shannon explained, "It's bright because during the day our sun is lighting up our planet. It smells 'funny' because the air is clean. And the sky is a normal blue for our summer."

I walked forward as if in a haze. Blue. Beautiful blue skies. Oh, how I had missed having a blue sky. I heard Morwenna and Kenzo murmur in amazement. They had never seen a bright blue sky before.

I was loathe to get into Lolly's vehicle. I wanted to just stand outside and stare at that beautiful sky. But Lolly insisted that we "get a move on". It appeared she had a hot date planned and wanted plenty of time to get ready.

Sanctuary was not in the least bit lush, it was plain and desert looking.

After traversing through what appeared to be a canyon, I finally spotted plants and signs of civilization.

And then more plant life.

"Look, mom, this is the Four Seasons Recreation Club. Seamus designed it from the description you gave us as children. It's a fun place for families to gather."

It was then I noticed signs of a town just ahead.

"There's the cemetery on the right. Pluuzar is the manager of the grounds and mortuary."

Next I leaned to the left peering at the pockets of water. I was so wonderful to see water. It looked clean and bright.

"That's the spa. Mom. Oh my gosh, that place is fabulous!"

We were now near the town. I noticed the ugly pipes running everywhere, for water no doubt. Shannon was still in tour mode, "Look over there, that's the remnants of a crashed spaceship, it is now the science building."

Shannon pointed out a club, art museum and resort before exclaiming, "Here it is, mom! It's your new house!"

Lolly had us all on the front lawn within minutes, handing the keys to Shannon, "I'm going to let you do the honors here. I'm gonna run off with this handsome man and show him his house" Then she apologized to Kenzo as she dragged him away, "I'm afraid your place isn't this fancy."

Shannon led the way to the front door apologizing, "There is only three bedrooms. The master, the nursery and one filled with bunk beds. But it's roomy and spacious. It's also bright and cheerful with lots of windows. Our winters are dark and very cold and this place has a little atrium with a glass roof to enjoy on those bad weather days."

"Shannon, stop apologizing. I'm sure it is fabulous! And I'm so appreciative of everything. I had feared we'd end up in a tent in a refugee camp. This is a palace in comparison to my expectations."

It was grander than I had imagined. Shannon had added so many touches, hoping that this house would be mine sooner than later.

There was even an easel for me to paint on.

And on the wall a painting she picked out because it made her think of me... I wonder why ;)

The kids jumped right into making themselves at home.

"Mom, you should run down to the salon with Jedrek. Use my credit card, yours will be in the mail tomorrow with your relocation funds. Ermah has a potion that grows hair instantly. You can't let Jedrek go to school bald. Earthlings have hair. And eyebrows. "

"Well, I wouldn't mind growing some of my hair back myself. But I can't just take off and leave the kids. And about school... what if they aren't up to the curriculum? I could continue homeschooling them..."

"Mom, the school is full of kids from many different planets and galaxies. The educators are very good at meeting the kids where they are and helping them achieve their personal best. They will be fine. The car has a navigator, just tap in 'salon'. There's only one in town.

Morwenna chimed in, "I'll help Shannon, Mom." Morwenna had always adored her big sister. Maybe the two of them spending time together was a good idea. So I set off with a very reluctant Jedrek, who would rather be home playing than heading for a salon.

Arriving at the salon, I immediately spotted a familiar face. It was Xokop!

She introduced me to her husband and then took me to meet the stylist.

Oh hell no! This stylist didn't look as if she had a clue about fashion or hair. I didn't want her or her potions near me! Xokop must have sensed my reluctance because she nudged my toward Ermah and said, "Ermah can work wonders. Trust her." Then she took off leaving Jedrek and I with this.. well, exactly what was Ermah? Ermah didn't exactly care what I thought and had Jedrek and I in the chair for a Hair Gro treatment before I could say, "No, thank you!" Thankfully, she did appear to have a sense of style, even if she chose not to embrace it personally.

I was beyond grateful and tipped her well. I'd pay Shannon back as soon as I had my funds. The drive back home was uneventful. But the moment I walked in the door, I heard a noise that drew my attention. I was completely gobsmacked at what I saw.

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