Thursday, October 25, 2012

Chapter 45

Day 199

The girls were awake and playing rather early.

Then they were off to school and I was delivering a painting to a vampire named Janet.

I decided to swing by and visit Aarbrok, unfortunately he was still in werewolf form.

Werewolves in form are very short of charm.

I don't tolerate beastly behavior very well.

I was done! I was walking away and then Aarbroke decided to act human. And then I remembered what I saw in him in the first place.

One of the trips brought home a friend from school. They all tucked into their homework straight away. That gave me a little time to get to know Aarbrok very well.

I arrived home to discover the girls "starved for moonlight" due to the new moon. Otherwise they were having a pleasant evening. I fried up some fish for dinner.

I woke up in the middle of the night with indigestion from the fried fish.

Day 200

The girls were up early playing and eating before flitting off to school. I made plans to set up a recreation room for them. The room has two computers, a keyboard and a retro pinball machine. We didn't have a TV in the house and I planned to keep it that way.

I spent my day getting sick, gardening and painting.

The girls flitted in from their field trip to the science lab and tucked into their homework right away.

I confirmed that I was pregnant again and decided to spend some time out of the house before I am confined to it again. I went to The Toadstool and met more villagers. I have now mastered Charisma.

Excuse me! What are you looking at, Waylon!

Day 201

I made mushroom omelets for the family. I am loving my new cookbook.

I decided to take the girls to the playground nearby. Siobhan said she needed to finish up her homework first, but I found out later she was throwing a fairy house party instead. 

Siobhan finally showed up and within a short time was throwing a house party at the park. I am not looking forward to her becoming a teen!

Joanie McDuff phoned and wanted to come over for a playdate. We met them at the house and I ordered pizza for our dinner.

Joanie was not extremely sociable and she went up to my playroom to tidy up. I thought that was very rude. It's a playroom! Playrooms have toys scattered about!

Before my girls could grab a slice of pizza, Joanie decided to put it up in the fridge. WTH? I decided that it was time for Joanie to go home.

Teagan decided to spend the night in our fairy house.

Day 202

I went into labor while I was reading in the nursery. After a short labor I gave birth to twins. To my surprise they are both human. Rafe was born with the traits: Virtuoso and Good. Raina was born with the traits: Genius and Virtuoso.


  1. Just wanted to say I've read each chapter, and I'm enjoying the story. I can't wait to see how this all ends. I've got my own 100 baby challenge going too, so if you want please take a look! If you're interested, maybe we can affiliate our blogs :)

  2. Thanks for reading Kelsey. Stop by and leave me a link to your blog on my thread in the forums :-)
