Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Chapter 63

Day 280

One thing that was clear to me now, the calendar might say the seasons had changed but the heat would never abate in Oasis Landing. It was suffocatingly hot all the time. The days typically dawned gray and gloomy. I fiercely missed blue skies.

When I took Morwenna from her crib, I was hit with the thought that she would be my last child. Being intimate was out of the question. I mean, the carpet matched the drapes! I wasn't keen on applying harsh chemicals to my hoohah and I certainly couldn't trust the spa not to report me. To be honest, I wasn't keen on bringing another life into this world.  It was so very ugly.

Regardless of what the future could bring, I intended to cherish every moment that Morwenna was still a little one.

After breakfast I received a phone call. It was a city official informing me that I needed to come in and pick up my live in assistant. I tried to protest, but I was overruled. I didn't want a stranger in my house. I was also informed that I had a business dinner tonight at The Utopian. I wasn't pleased to be thrust into this new life and the obligations that came with it.

Shannon assured me that she could manage things until I returned. I felt vulnerable leaving them at home alone, but what could I do?

I made sure they had started on their schoolwork before I took off in my new car.

I drove to the address I had been given and was confused walking in.

I went to the help desk and a Plumbot showed up to assist me. He (or was it she) told me I was here to create a new Plumbot to be my live in helper. I was relieved and somewhat amused. at least I wouldn't have a stranger living in my house.

I had fun making my selections. I added the trait chips that I thought would best serve our household and chose a look that wouldn't frighten the children. I gave a short pause before selecting a name for him.

After I placed my order, I sat to wait for my Plumbot to be created.

It wasn't to long before I was meeting Marty McFly and taking him home to meet the family.

Shannon had already wrapped up her schoolwork, potty trained Morwenna and was rocking her baby sister. The boys wrapped up their work before swimming. I decided to attempt glass blowing. Thankfully it came naturally to me and I began to pick up the skill quickly.

Before I knew it it was time to head out to The Utopian for my business dinner.

Dinner was uncomfortable to say the least, but it was also informative. It is difficult to eat while mouth breathing. Why do so many residents of Oasis Landing have an aversion to bathing and deodorant? It turned out that the official baker's daughter was very artistic and next in line to become the official artist until my paintings were discovered. I received the cold shoulder from the baker and his wife glared at me the entire dinner. Fortunately I was seated by a very chatty woman, Katrina, she was a council member. She casually announced to me that she intended to go to the hospital and genetically engineer a baby in the next week or so. I was startled at this information, but tried to hide it as I casually inquired, "Don't you feel guilty for bringing a new life into this world?"

Katrina replied, "If we all take that stance, then the human race takes it's final bow. All humans will die out and the aliens win. Maybe the child I bring into this world is the person that resolves some of our pressing issues. Many years ago, humans were concerned with overpopulation. Now we may die out altogether. I can choose to be part of the problem or part of the solution. I choose my battles wisely and what better way to fight tyranny than to raise children that believe in freedom?"

I didn't have a comeback and thought soberly as she vacillated between a genetically engineered baby or artificial insemination. This was an opportunity for me to bear children without risking an intimate encounter with someone that could cause my death by imprisoning me for the next invasion. I was torn about whether I should bear more little ones.

After dinner I made a phone call to check on the children, Seamus assured me that all was well.

 Rather than heading straight home, I decided to check out The Eurutuf drink lounge and spend some time in thought.

The people in Oasis Landing didn't hesitate to drop trash anywhere nor did they feel the need to pick it up if they ran across it.

There were trash heaps all over town. A difference could be made if everyone would do their part, but so many were apathetic. I could chose to be part of the problem or part of the solution. I resolutely left the lounge and walked next door to the hospital and science center.

Once there, I filled out some forms and looked through sperm donors for my next baby daddy. One handsome man caught my eye immediately.

With my selection made, I proceeded with the insemination process and headed home.

Day 281

With Marty attending my gardening and household chores, I decided to concentrate on teaching Morwenna to walk and talk. My little one had a birthday coming up.

With those skills accomplished, I worked on my art while the kids completed their homeschool and played.

I decided to indulge in cooking an old-fashioned family meal, the kind where the entire family sits together and eats the same thing as the others. I couldn't let go of these traditions.

I had just bathed Morwenna and tucked her into bed, when I confirmed that I was expecting again.

As I lay in bed that night, I wondered if I had made the right choice, not knowing what the future held in store for me.

Day 282

Today was a day for birthday celebrations. Shannon, Seamus and Morwenna blew out thier candles, the latter with help from me.

Shannon was a beautiful young lady with the new trait: Bot Fan. Her Lifetime Wish was to be a High Tech Collector.

Morwenna's Newest trait was: Rebellious. I'd be lying if I didn't admit this worried me.

Seamus' newest trait was: Easily Impressed. His Lifetime Wish was to become a Firefighter SuperHero.

Immediately after cake, Morwenna balked at doing her homeschool. I finally agreed that she could have the day off for her birthday before I headed into my studio. Shannon and Seamus went into town for their required Space Training Class.

I pushed through creating as much as possible, hoping to have a little time off after the birth. I was conscious that someone was more than eager to take my place.

The twins returned home much later than I expected. I could tell something was on their mind, but I didn't push them to talk.

After a rather subdued meal, Shannon and Seamus pulled me aside to talk.

I really hadn't given much thought to the future of my now young adult children, but I was stunned when they told me they would both be leaving Oasis Landing just after Rory's birthday and seeking Sanctuary. I started to protest, but Shannon stopped me in my tracks.

"Mom, you've taught us that we can be part of the problem or part of the solution.  This may not be the solution for Oasis Landing, but I hope it's part of the solution of the continuation of humanity. As half alien, our future here is risky. Besides I don't want to stay here and possibly be a victim like Chloe."

Shannon hesitated before sharing,, "Mom, Chloe died from being too young and weak to sustain the trauma and pregnancy." I was distraught at the news and certainly couldn't argue that I didn't want my children to be subjected to that. I gave my reluctant blessing.

Day 283

After a very restless night, I was up early making Rory's birthday cake. The lighting and dark clouds seemed much gloomier than usual.

Despite all that was around us, we mustered the enthusiasm for a birthday celebration.

 Rory's new trait was Frugal. I told him my new nickname for him would be Mr. Clean. He said he didn't get it and it seemed silly to try and explain.

I was finishing up my cake when Shannon received a message that it was time for her and Seamus to leave. It was time to say good-bye to my twins. Over the years many of my children left home to start their own lives, but this was so very different.


I walked them to the end of the drive and watched them leave.

Morwenna thought she should have another day off from schoolwork, but I ordered her out of the pool. I would spend another day creating as much art as possible, as I would be giving birth soon.

But as the day progressed my back ached and it was harder to breathe. I finally gave up and went to rock in the nursery area.

The sun was just slipping down the horizon when I was gripped with labor pains.

The labor was intense and by midnight I had birthed triplets!

First was a daughter I named Hope. Her traits were: Friendly and Athletic.

Next was a son that I named Jedrek. His traits were: Genius and Athletic

Last but not least was Cedric with the traits: Brave and Perceptive. My family and heart had grown by three.


  1. Really??? Marty McFly?? LOL I loved it!! Great job..

  2. Haha! It just seemed perfect =D Thank you! <3

  3. Awwww, so sweet! That's quite the dystopia they live in! Creeps me out!

    1. It is a rather grim and grimy place to be :( EA created dystopia very well.

    2. And thanks for reading and commenting!
