Day 295
I jerked awake, terrified. Quickly I bolted out of bed, panting, and struggling to remember where I was.
I was confused. Was that a memory or nightmare? Had I witnessed my childhood pet being slaughtered? Or had recent events created that horrific image that had caused me to startle from my sleep? It was bright outside for the early hour that it was. Shannon had not exaggerated when she said the summer days were long. I was the first to awaken, so I slipped into the kitchen to make French Toast for the kid's first day of school. About the time I finished cooking, I heard Morwenna go into the nursery. I went in to help her get the twins up.
Morwenna fretted over her breakfast. She was very worried about attending school and being far behind. I tried to reassure her that everything would be fine, but I was concerned myself.
Before I knew it, they had all ran out the door to catch the bus. And left me with a table full of dirty dishes, of course.
I had plenty to keep me busy. Tomorrow every single child in my home was having birthdays. I needed to see to the twins' skills and check on Meeka.
I had barely caught my breath, when a visitor arrived.
Alisa Callahan was the therapist in town. She had already spoken to the school counselor, now she was visiting me to check on the twins and to see if I'd like to talk about what I was feeling.
I told her about my flash of memory about my pet when I was a child and of my dream, "I don't know what is real or not."
"That's understandable. You've buried a lot of painful memories. I am going to suggest that you talk to me as often as you like and that you jounal everyday. As you remember things or dream, write them out and try to remember more details. Especially details involving senses other than sight. If you can remember sounds, scents and so forth that might help you discern what it true and what is false.* I'm going to give you a nice leather journal for your memories to be assembled in order and several notebooks to simply pour the words out that you are thinking and feeling. If you keep this up, you might find yourself with a healthy recollection of your past. Dealing with your past, both the pain and pleasure will give you the freedom for a more peaceful future."
"What is your most precious possession?"
"My children."
"How many do you have?"
I hesitated, trying to remember, "I think about sixty..."
"You've created a habit of burying all of your memories deep. Can you remember each of your children clearly?"
I whispered sadly. "No."
"You say your children are your most precious possession, but you've tried hard to forget them because they are lost to you."
"Your memories are a precious possession as well. Stop running and face the past. Pick up the pen or pencil and just start writing. Can you give that a try?"
"Yes, I will," I told her. But I didn't want to try. It hurt too much.
Alisa had barely left when the kids started trickling home. Morwenna was in a fantastic mood. Her day had went even better than expected.
The triplets brought home a new friend. It seemed like they all were adapting to our new life very well.
Lost in thought, I barely took note that the twins had reached all their toddler milestones.
I set about making dinner while the children did their homework and Morwenna grabbed some chalk to decorate our chalkboard wall.
I was talking on the phone with Seamus, when the rising moon caught my eye and took my breath away. It was so grand and gorgeous.
This was indeed a beautiful planet despite lacking the foliage I missed back home and on Earth.
I felt our first full day here was a success. The kids seemed to think so too. I was grateful for the freedoms we had and the experiences they could participate in.
I had just readied to lay down when I was startled by that familiar fluttering in my belly. Kenzo was going to be a father.
Day 296
I made up my mind as I made my bed, I would not be bringing seven birthday cakes into this house today. I would bake cupcakes instead.
I decided to celebrate the twins' birthdays in the nursery as soon as I could get the others off to school. (A/N: And I forgot to take screenshots, oops!) Genesis' newest trait was: Daredevil. And Darius now had the Loves the Cold trait.
Next on my agenda was a trip to the mall, to buy a family birthday gift.
After delivery arrangement had been made, I headed to check out the community garden. I passed by the school on the way there.
The garden was available to anyone that was willing to work together. The understanding was not to take more than your fair share. I gathered a few eggs, milked a cow successfully and harvested a small amount of produce. The birthday cupcakes would have the freshest ingredients.
When they were all home, I gathered the kids around...
and present their gift to them. It was a beautiful cat -like creature from the planets the Kesslians came from. When I explained she looked like an Earth kitty, they promptly named her "Kitty".
Morwenna aged to a young adult with the genius trait. Her Lifetime Wish was to become a Chess Legend.
Cedric was now a teen with the trait: Loves the Outdoors. Hope was Handy. Jedrek was Neat. This was a trait that I wish every child had.
Everybody seemed to be enjoying the evening, but then I noticed Morwenna sitting outside alone. I decided to join her and find out what was on her mind.
"Anything on your mind?"
"Tell me about my father."
I hesitated to reply, my heart started thudding painfully in my chest. Morwenna continued, "I don't look anything like the rest of the Brooks kids. I don't have black or red hair."
I pointed out the moon rising before I started my story.
It was a struggle, dredging up the memories, trying to remember the details. Alisa was right, I was in the habit of burying everything. As my voice trailed off, Morwenna whispered, "I wasn't wanted."
"Morwenna, you were not planned, and I would have not chosen to become pregnant in the manner I did. But never question whether or not you were wanted. I have wanted and loved you from the moment I laid eyes on you. Even when you made poor choices back in Oasis Landing, my love for you never wavered."
"I'm betting I tested you more than any other child you had."
I chuckled, "You did at that."
"I'm sorry for everything that happened back there."
It all turned out for the best, Morwenna. A bit intense for a while, but for the best."
"Did my father have magical powers? Could I have powers?"
"No such luck, kiddo. I'm very certain your father's powers came from his bond with the dragons."
"That sucks."
"Mom, I did well enough on my exams and I'm graduating tomorrow."
"I knew you could do it."
"The school helps every graduate find a job. I've applied to work at the spa. After graduation, I'll find out if I get it. Several of my classmates are moving into the apartments in the large crater. I want to move out too."
"So soon? There isn't any need to rush. You can stay as long as you like..."
"I know, Mom, but this is a good opportunity for me and I'd have a classmate as my roommate."
"I'll see you and my sibs often, I promise. I love you, Mom."
"I love you too, sweetheart."
Day 297
Lost in thought, I had a leftover cupcake for breakfast. Don't judge the pregnant woman.
As we went through our morning routine, I pondered the fact that this was not my first child to leave home. So why was I so bothered this time? Was it because she had used poor judgement in the past? Did I not trust her to be out on her own?
"Are you really moving out today, Wenna? Do you gotta?"
"No, I don't 'gotta', but I 'wanna'. I'm betting when you graduate you will too."
"Then maybe we can move in with you."
Morwenna seemed pleased that her siblings harbored no grudges from her teen mistakes and wanted to be around her.
Before I knew it, it was time for graduation.
As soon as we returned home, she checked to see if she secured the job she wanted.
And she had. A quick phone call to her new roommate, a change of clothes later and Morwenna was ready to go out in the world.
After her new roommate picked her up, I stayed home with the twins and gardened while the triplets went to the community pool to enjoy the hot summer day.
Then I prepared hamburgers for dinner just before the triplets were due to arrive home.
After I ate and while the kiddos were wrapping up their meal, I slipped outside with my journal to start writing in it for the very first time. I wrote about Morwenna, her conception through graduation. I finally realized that my memories were indeed precious and I needed to quit throwing them away like yesterday's newspaper.
My back was aching, so I took a nice, warm bubble to ease the discomfort.
Immediately after my bath, the labor pains started and I waddled to the nursery.
Just after one in the morning, I gave birth to a little girl that I named "Marigold". Marigold was born with the traits Easily Impressed and Couch Potato. This was my sixty-second child to be born.
*I'm not a therapist, nor do I play one on TV. This isn't advice, just a storyline.
May the journal help her come to terms with things as she sorts out what is real and what is a dream... especially so she can enjoy the lovely family she has :) You have beautiful sims in your game!
ReplyDeleteThank you! And thank you so much for reading and commenting <3