I am flattered and blessed to be nominated for the:
Spirit Animal Blog Award Acceptance Rules:
1.) Thank the blogger who nominated you, and link back to their page.
2.) Post the award picture on your blog.
3.) Write a short paragraph about yourself and what your blog means to you.
4.) If you could be any animal, what would it be?
5.) Pick and notify ten nominees
1.) Thank the blogger who nominated you, and link back to their page.
2.) Post the award picture on your blog.
3.) Write a short paragraph about yourself and what your blog means to you.
4.) If you could be any animal, what would it be?
5.) Pick and notify ten nominees
1) Thank you so very much, ADWilson, for the nomination <3 I have long enjoyed your warm, generous presence in the Simming world> You are a lovely writer as well as a fabulous person!
2) See above ;)
3) My name is Lisa. I am a wife (of 28 years) and a mother to four human kiddos (aged 16 - 25 years old) and four furbabies as well as a "grandmother" to two demented cats, a bearded dragon and a corn snake. I grew up an avid reader and was always creating stories with my barbies, on paper or just in my head. When I discovered Sims 3, I fell in love with being able to combine my passions of creating floorplans, home decor and story telling in one place.
I have longed to write a novel for years, but didn't know where to begin. It turns out the place for me to start was creating a story within a Sims 3 challenge. When I first started my challenge, I couldn't take a screenshot or create a story arc to save my life. I learned as I went along. Now that I am writing a novel, I have discovered there is so much more to learn LOL Writing a novel doesn't have the immediate gratification as writing a blog. On the blog, your readers offer support and comments that fill you with the warm fuzzies <3
My real life became very difficult last year. I also lost use of my desktop. As soon as I could, I was back to simming: both writing and playing. It's my "me time" as well as a way to inspire creativity in all areas of my life.
4) I recently took a "What is your spirit animal" quiz. The answer for me was: Owl. The descriptions for the owl include having intuition and being wise. I consider myself a fairly intuitive person and hope that I am growing wiser as the years pass LOL
5) Picking 10 blogs* to nominate will not be easy as I was out of the loop for the better part of the year. I also know that some of these bloggers have been on (or going on) a long hiatus due to life's challenges. I'm nominating them anyway because I enjoy their writing/stories. In no particular order:
1) The Return of Brooks by sdhoey/AnnaDenise
2) Mystic Illusions by Starguru
3) Awaken by Queenie08
4) My Darling by Mosneakers
5) Sincerely Lolita by Selah
6) Amazon Challenge by Pammiechick
7) Bel's Sims by Bel
8) I am Ciane by Ciane
9) Apocalypse Challenge by Mama Dragon
10) and the very lovely ADWilson's Randomacy
*Some of these stories are hosted on forums rather than blogsites.